Check if Option in Field has Math Constant

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    Posted in: Feature request  
  • simpleminded

    Since you're unable to target specific options using things like classes, the workaround I thought would be to check if an option in a field had a math constant. This way someone can build out option templates for easier managing and pair it with if statements using a math constant rather than explicitly specifying the option in case in the future it changes.

    An example would be something like the following:
    if({field.639ddc82e8fd52.05052593.constant}=="{category_2}", lookuptable(["Category 2", '{this.text}'], ["Lookup Table 1"]), lookuptable(["Category 1", '{this.text}'], ["Lookup Table 1"]))

    Someone could then specify options in a field with the constant defining it as an upcharge so when the option is chosen, it will then map out the lookup table to the proper XY fields.

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