Checkout price: percentage but minumum X maximum Y

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    Posted in: Feature request  
  • mekkora


    I offer different production lead times for different fees extra on top of cart value. Prices vary in a 10 times range between different products

    If I set up rush job fee as percentage of cart total then a smaller job is too cheap (but the same amount of problems )
    If I set up a fixed fee its can aso be too expensive for a smaller job and too cheap for a bigger job.
    I could calculate a business average at my end but most clients would complain not carin my average numbers jst what they pay for

    Best combination culd be:
    Fee (excl tax) = % of cart (excl tax) BUT minimum:X (optional maximum:Y)
    Fee is taxable (as is in current version)

    Please consider

    Best, Zoltan

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