CSS styling for bundles I created with TM plugin

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    Posted in: Final Price  
  • alberto

    Hi and thanks for a great plugin. I have used it for clients site https://bathroomsupplies.net.au/product-category/bathroom-bundles/

    My question to you is, can you help me with a css that ads the word "from" in front of the price? The reason is that price on the bundle will vary depending on which of the optional products they choose.

    See this imagethis image shows where to put the word From to make it more clear.

    If needed for space, remove the original price.

    Ones the person clicks on the product, they understand the product anyway. It is only the first view that need to change so people wont get confused.

    I hope you can help.

    Thanks a lot.
    Alberto Nilsson

    ThemeCompleteSite Admin
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