Element Name inside Math Formula

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    Posted in: Feature request  
  • claudiaplutino

    A way to see "element name" inside math formale and not number id. It will be easier specially with complex formula.

    For Example
    Now i see: {field.62baeaab54cb21.12763789.price}
    or: {field.62baeaab54cb21.12763789.value}
    or: {field.62baeaab54cb21.12763789.text}

    I will see: {field.element1name.price}
    or: {field.element1name.value}
    or: {field.element1name.text}

    If not possible (i understand that element name can be complex and not "linear") maybe possible inside element add a field "element surname" that can be personalized with simple text (no space, no special caracter, etc...).
    In this way i can set a surname for each elment and use it inside formula:

    I will see: {field.elementusername.price}
    Or: {field.elementusername.value}
    Or: {field.elementusername.text}

    I hope to correctly explain it 🙂

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