Mix 1-3 flavours with a final percentage that adds up to 100%

This topic is: Not Resolved
  • Not Resolved
    Posted in: Feature request  
  • edjones_uk

    The end goal is for the customer to be able to order a custom mix of either 1, 2 or 3 flavours together in a bottle that will add up to 100%. (Obviously if only one flavour is selected it will already be 100%).

    One example for 3 flavours may be 10% of flavour one, 40% of flavour two and 50% of flavour 3 (=100%).

    We have managed to build this already in Extra Product Options using the Range Picker which looks great but we have to trust the customer will make the 2/3 flavours add up to 100% manually which doesn't always happen.

    Is there a way to automatically make sure the combination of the 2 or 3 sliders can not go over 100% and change the slider number values to %? This would be fantastic!

    Here is an example of a similar process (See step 4 on 2nd screen) - https://www.migvapor.com/mix-your-own-e-juice

    Thank you.

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