OPTION: Hide add to cart button under certain conditions

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    Posted in: Feature request  
  • knaber

    It would be very useful for preventing unwanted purchases if there were some global (or per product) options to hide the add-to-cart button.

    (Note: Currently there is a global option to hide the add-to-cart button until a selection is made.)


    1) A new global option to hide the add-to-cart button if the total price goes negative. (To prevent a user from continuing with a purchase, we can currently set an option to "Prevent adding to the cart negative priced products." This allows us to set certain options to a negative value, blocking the purchase. However, this isn't very elegant as the user is confused by the button "Add-to-cart" being available if we aren't allowing them to continue.) Additionally, it would be useful to have an option under 'Display' to 'auto hide price if negative' -- as negative values are confusing to the user.

    (Note: This same idea may be useful for some if the price is zero, although for my use case negative is best.)

    2) A totally different approach to this issue would be to integrate in fields (either as a conditional or option), the ability to block the sale (by removing add-to-cart and price maybe) if the option is selected or activated by a conditional statement. For instance, if a user is asked "Can you pay for this?" and they answer "No", I don't want them to add the product to their cart and would prefer to hide the "Add-to-cart" button and price values.

    Just want to share this idea because it would be very useful for a variety of scenarios.

    Cheers from Seattle!

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