Problems: 1. when using price type fixed:

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    Posted in: Final Price  
  • sunilpareek

    Hi I am using this plugin for wedding invitation website. i want to add some extra options to product with this plugin but facing some problem.
    suppose price of wedding card is $10 and have 2 extra options carry bag($2) and Thank you card($1). if someone wants to purchase 500 wedding and 100 carry bag and 200 thank you card the the price should be (500*$10)+(100*$2)+(200*$1).

    1. when using price type fixed:
    product quantity is multiplied by option values that is not correct. (if someone order 500 cards and 200 carry bag then the quantity is (500*200)).
    in this condition i didn’t want to multiply product quantity with extra option values.

    2. When using price type FEE
    In this condition everything working fine but extra options not showing in cart and email invoices.
    (It is important to us to show all extra options in cart and email invoices)

    What should i do ???

    here is the website url

    ThemeCompleteSite Admin
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