Stock management inside an element

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    Posted in: Feature request  
  • leandroprz

    Right now the only way to manage the stock of a product is adding a Product Element and that's fine for certain situations. But it is not very convenient when visiting the Checkout or Cart pages since the customer sees two products instead of one and that causes confusion on some people (I just had this conversation with a client).

    I noticed there's a new feature to hide the Product Element in the Cart and Checkout, but that adds more confusion because in the total amount you see a different price if the Product Element has a price higher than zero. And basically the customer won't understand what he's being charged exactly, leading maybe to a lost sale.

    So I think there are maybe two solutions: a) merging both prices (the product and the Product Element) in the Checkout/Cart to avoid confusion or b) add a new feature to allow stock management from any other element itself (dropdowns, checkboxes, etc).

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