Subscription date calculations

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  • Resolved
  • argy


    I'm using your plugin on a subscription site. I want to be able to allow my customers to change their subscription plans part way through their year.

    Subscription plans are for either six months or one year and they relate to monthly periods (So a customer buys a 6 or 12 months subscription) and the sign up day of the month is the effective start date (I mean the start date is not the 1st of the calendar month, it is the day of the month on which the initial subscription was purchased)

    Is there a way to automatically populate a date picker with the date of the next month as a start date and to allow the customer to then select either a future date (or a number of months) which I can then append to their subscription? I'm interested only in capturing the start date and the number of months. I will sort out how to apply this to the subscription separately. I think the real question is "Can the date picker date be set based on reading a subscription product?"

    An example could be a customer on a bronze platform which started on August 30th 2018 and they have decided that they want to upgrade to silver for three months starting on their February anniversary (So effectively Feb 28th for 3 months)

    Thanks in anticipation

    ThemeCompleteSite Admin
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