Checkout Fields – Based on the number of the product option

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  • artwarebranding

    Congrats for your great plugin.

    I want to ask if it is possible to create something like this with the "addon"

    1. I created the fields that I need in this product TRAVEL PRODUCT
    If you see inside there is a group called guests. I need to populate as many forms as the guests that are selected from the user.
    Example - if the user choose 2 adults + 2 childer i need to show 4 forms with the fields name,surname under the woocomerce checkout form.

    2. Also, I wanted to ask if during the checkout I can add some options that could re-calculate the total price. For example in my case could be called "I Want an extra Seat" and this would re-calculate in a way the total(?)

    Thanks for your help.

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