Global Sections or Elements

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    Posted in: Feature request  
  • moseleys3


    I understand that there are global forms but it would be great if you could have Global Sections with Global Elements.

    For example, we make dining tables.

    For the purpose of simplicity, assume we have a round table and a square table (2 different forms) that can be made in 3 different materials - Pine, Oak, Walnut (3 different elements)

    It would be great if we could have a global section with global elements that all forms could reference.

    In the above example, if we had a price change to the material (pine goes up in price), I need to go into each individual form that uses pine and update the price. This is fine if you only manage two forms but if you have a lot of forms, I need to remember which forms have this element included.

    However, if you had a global element, I could update the price there and it would update all the associated forms that use that global element.

    Would love to hear your thoughts on this,


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