Lock product selection + re-set product selection

This topic is: Resolved
  • Resolved
  • themagicbrush

    Hey There, we are just in the process of testing a extra product global form we have created.
    Here is the test link - https://w2mhostme.com/mb/service/kids-face-painting/

    I was wondering if there is any way to "lock" selections once they are chosen?
    And if they need to be edited, the full selection needs to be re-set?
    It's to prevent clients from being able to change selections after they have moved to the next question. (As the prices don't calculate correctly/ or seem to be glitching if they are changed in the incorrect order.)

    If you go thru the form on the link above and select the answers below -
    1) Auckland
    2) less than 15km
    3) Basic small designs
    4) 24kids - 1.5hrs
    5) 2 Artists
    6) Change #2 to be +30km (it still shows a price which is incorrect)

    I think it's glitching. See screenshot of jpg added.
    It is showing a price, however it's meant to say "Click Book Now for a Custom Quote. Custom Quote order value will be $0.00. We will be in touch ASAP with costs."

    Can you please help?

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